Gama Comercial
A solução mais ideal da Toyotomi para criar um clima interior estável e confortável. O nosso sistema CA unitário comercial leve da Toyotomi combina arrefecimento e aquecimento num só para uma aplicação e instalação simplificadas e é utilizado em edifícios pequenos ou médios, desde escolas a escritórios e lojas, especialmente quando o baixo custo inicial e o baixo custo de manutenção são importantes. Algumas das unidades exteriores da nossa gama, que consistem em 9 capacidades que variam entre 3,5 kW e 16 kW, podem ser utilizadas para diferentes tipos de unidades interiores, como as do tipo cassete, de chão e teto ou de condutas.
Tecto/Chão (6)
This unit offers the opportunity to be installed in two positions: low wall or ceiling suspended, providing optimal air distribution and comfort for various applications, whether residential or small commercial. The range of capacity for the six models ranges from 5.3 to 16 kW.
Cassete de 8 vias (7)
This unit is designed for false ceiling applications, where the only visible part in the room is the decoration panel. It provides optimal air distribution throughout the perimeter of the unit, and the filter maintenance can be easily done from the decoration panel. The range of capacity for the seven models ranges from 3.5 to 14.5 kW.
Conduta (8)
This unit is the ideal solution when you decide to create your own air distribution system inside your office. Its wide range of airflow and available static pressure for air distribution allows you to customize your setup. The concealed unit is placed inside the false ceiling, and the only visible component in the room is the air diffuser. With a very low sound level at different air flow rates, the range of capacity spans from 3.5 to 16 kW across eight different models.
Consola (3)
The console models offer a higher comfort level, thanks to the double airflow, sober and elegant design, and reduced dimensions, allowing for great versatility. The easy access to the filter facilitates convenient maintenance and cleaning. Available in a range of three different power capacities, it can be coupled with both mono and multi outdoor units.
Armário Vertical (1)
This unique solution, with a capacity of 12.5 kW, allows you to handle a large volume of air in commercial applications, such as offices, hotels, and shops. The quick and easy floor installation provides the best compromise between space utilization and comfort.